Whenever a Doctor Cannot Do Good,
He Should Be Kept From Doing Harm
Medical Malpractice Attorney
A recent study, conducted by Johns Hopkins University, suggests that medical errors are the third leading medical cause of death in the United States. According to an eight year study, medical error accounted for over 250,000 deaths per year, behind deaths due to heart disease, cancer and ahead of deaths due to respiratory disease. Of course medical errors do not always result in death but can instead cause additional injuries and damages to the patient which could have been avoided or prevented if the proper standard of care had been followed. Often times medical malpractice or negligence occurs as a result of a failure to properly treat or failure to properly diagnose a medical condition and which failure causes more injury to the patient than the patient would have experienced if the appropriate standard of care, applicable to the circumstances, had been followed. Claims alleging medical negligence can be challenging to investigate and prove. Rare is the case where medical negligence is obvious and discovered from a reading of the patient's medical charts and records. Most all of the time, in fact it is always advisable if medical negligence is suspected, to have the medical records examined by a trained medical expert before making a determination that a claim for medical negligence exists. In fact the law of the State of Ohio requires that when expert testimony is required to prove a medical claim, which is most always the case, the claim cannot be pursued in the courts without an affidavit signed by an appropriate expert who can attest that he or she has reviewed the medical records, that the expert is familiar with the applicable standard of care and that the standard of care was breached, causing injury. What can make a medical negligence claim even more challenging is the amount of time available to the person injured to settle their claim or file a lawsuit. Generally, the law of the State of Ohio requires that a lawsuit alleging a medical claim be filed within one year after the cause of action occurred. While there are exceptions to this rule, it is always wise to consult with a trained medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible so your rights can be protected.
At W. Randall Rock, Attorney at Law, we have over 33 years of training, education and experience to properly investigate and successfully pursue your medical malpractice claim. If you believe that you or a loved one has been injured as a result of medical negligence CONTACT OUR OFFICE NOW and schedule a FREE CONSULTATION to discuss your case. Like claims for personal injury or wrongful death, we will represent your interests on a contingent fee basis and, therefore, there is NO ATTORNEY FEE UNLESS YOU PREVAIL.
Call us at (937)224-7625(ROCK), or at (855)206-7628, or complete the form below to receive a FREE INITIAL and CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION.
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